林宗毅先生林誠道先生父子捐贈書畫圖錄,頁45、175&*羅振玉(西元一八六六-一九四0年),字叔蘊,號雪堂,浙江上虞人。清末入京為學部參事官,辛亥革命後赴日,曾任職偽滿州國。早年書學顏真卿,後致力古文字研究,多見鼎彝碑版,書法醇厚古樸,甲骨、金文、小篆、漢隸、行楷,無不典雅有致。 此幅為羅振玉五十五歲作品,結體勻整,墨色濃淡佈置自然,點畫位置妥貼,可為小篆的典範。選自林宗毅先生林誠道先生父子捐贈。(20091015) &* Luo Zhenyu was a native of Shangyu, Zhejiang. In the late Qing, he went to the capital and became Education Councilor, but after the Xinhai Revolution, went to Japan and even served the Manchukuo puppet state. In calligraphy, he early studied Yan Zhenqing’s style but later was devoted to ancient writing, viewing many bronze and stele inscriptions. With his simple and mellow style, he achieved a classical elegance in oracle bone, bronze, small seal, Han clerical, and running standard scripts. This work (donated by Messrs. Lin Zongyi and Lin Chengdao) was done in 1920 at the Chinese age of 55. The characters are even and orderly with a natural distribution of light and dark ink. The dotting is also appropriate, making it a model of small seal script.(20091015)